WHY harvest rainwater?
WHAT is rainwater harvesting?
Rainwater harvesting is the collection of rainfall which falls on the roof of your home and stores it for future use. In a typical Central Cost residential landscape, a homeowner can store and reuse, on average, 25,000 gallons per year... enough to maintain a 400 square foot lawn and 100 landscape plants!
HOW much water can I save?
Calculate your savings:
620 gallons of water can be collected on a 1,000 sq. ft. roof with 1 inch of rain. Therefore, .62 becomes our multiplier...a 2,000 sq. ft. home in San Luis Obispo will retrieve an average of 19 inches of rain per year. 2,000 sq. ft. x (19 x .62) = SAVE AND REUSE 23,560 gal. per year! Visit our sister company for more information: www.cultivaterainwater.com Accredited Professional: ARCSA AP |
We have harvested...
gallons of rainwater since 2014